Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The importance of a failsafe

RC Tip of the day to the newer RC enthusiast.
You must run your cars with a fail safe. I have been at the track many times, and watched people lose control of their car/truck for whatever reason (usually a connection or antenna problem), and saw $2000 Tc's fly in pieces after smashing into barriers or even worse, a marshal.

Here is how a fail safe works.
You first have to program it according to the manufactures instructions.
Then set it to brake when signal is lost.

So for example:
Your car is ripping down a strait away, you bang into someone, and now have no control over your RC... you can wave goodbye to it as it passes you doing 50 MPH towards a wall, or you can be thankfull that you put in a fail safe and say "hey"! why did my car stop for no reason.. Then it will hit you!
AH!!! my fail safe saved me a lot of money and aggravation.

So don't be a fool.. A fail safe is a cheap safety feature you should all have.
I'll post video's of runaway RC"S.

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